
Does Anime Overlord Gets A Emeny That Can Bet Him

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Enri Emmot (エンリ・エモット) is the Chieftain of Carne Village and the older sister of Nemu Emmot. She is the wife of Nfirea Bareare and General of the Goblin Army.


Enri is described as a adequately cute young girl in her mid-teens, lightly fair skin, with blonde hair and brown eyes. She wears woolen clothes and her hair tied into a braid.


Raised by a loving family unit, Enri has grown upwards to exist a kind person but has shown to have a strong graphic symbol, such every bit her carrying out her chores without complaint. Also seen when she is willing to cede herself for the sake of her piffling sister's life with the knights who followed them subsequently attacking Carne. Following her election to Village Master, she has shown not bad leadership and defending the boondocks from monsters with the other villagers and Goblins.


Growing up in Carne Village and living there all her life, Enri has always lived the life of a unproblematic farmer's girl. Due to her healthy lifestyle, Enri has grown to exist physically fit to the indicate where she is considered as ane of the strongest five in the village.


The Undead King Arc

Primary commodity: The Undead King Arc

When Carne Village gets attacked by Imperial Knights, Enri tries to escape with her little sister. They run across the surrounding forest, but the assailants eventually caught up to them.[1] Yet, before she is killed, they are saved by Ainz Ooal Gown, whom they thank for his help. Upon saving the 2, he and so offers Enri a healing potion, though her footling sister holds her dorsum as she doesn't trust him.

Albedo, who joins shortly afterward, gets enraged that the two are rejecting his generosity and raises her axe to kill them but is stopped by Ainz. He then takes a moment to explicate information technology was a healing potion, and and then afterwards drinking the healing potion, her wounds heal immediately while she looks on in surprise. Before heading towards the village, Ainz casts two protective magics around them and throws two goblin horns for them employ to protect themselves.[2]

The Dark Warrior Arc

Chief commodity: The Dark Warrior Arc

Nfirea'south group arrives at Carne Village, only to be welcomed past a group of goblins who were more intelligent than what the Adventurers were aware of. Every bit the goblins attempted a parley, their master was revealed to exist Enri, who later explained to Nfirea how and where she got the goblins. As Enri mentions Ainz'southward name though forgetting what his face looks similar, due to having her own memory erased by him, she also tells him about a reddish potion that healed her and mentions Albedo's proper name. These clues atomic number 82 Nfirea to conclude that Momon is Ainz Ooal Gown, but he does not share this revelation, leaving Enri dislocated past his suddenly leaving.[three]

The Two Leaders Arc

Chief commodity: The Two Leaders Arc

In the morning time at Carne Village, Enri prepares breakfast for herself, Nemu, Nfirea, Lizzie, and the Goblin Troop. Enri finished her farming for the forenoon with one of the goblins named Paipo and prepared to return home for lunch. At that time, a goblin rider, Kyumei came and warned something strange was happening in the wood. Even so, as there is a rare herb that can only be collected during the short season, Enri wants to go deep inside the forest.

The next day, Enri accompanies Nfirea and the goblins to explore the forest and searching for both herbs and data nearly the woods. During the work, they find a Barghest chasing Agu. Enri decides to help him with the assistance of Nfirea'south magic. Enri commands the goblins to slays the Barghest. After rescuing Agu, he tells them most the situation in the wood. At night, She was awakened past Jugem, leader of the Goblin Troop and inform her about the five ogres that they captured at the wood. She was asked by Jugem to act as the leader of the Goblin Troop in front of the ogres and succeeds in gaining their recognition. Enri was requested by Nfirea to get to E-Rantel without him for 3 reasons: to sell the herbs they gathered, report Carne Village'southward situation to the Adventurer's Guild and go to the temple to see if there are people willing to move to the village.

Hence, Enri later on left Carne Village to visit East-Rantel, but only to get into trouble due to her last Horn of the Goblin General that she received from Ainz Ooal Gown. Equally the magic caster of the gate noticed the huge ability of the horn, the tremendous value and magical power therein the detail fabricated Enri highly suspect. Simply earlier existence detained past the authorities, Momon comes in and stands to guarantee for her that she is trustworthy. After being released from custody, she learned that the horn is worth several thousand gold coins and wonders if Gown didn't know its value, if he knew but still was generous, or if he had plenty. Enri visits the Adventurer'southward Guild and explains about the situation in the wood. At first, the receptionist doesn't show much interest, but later on some fourth dimension she badly asks the detailed about the information.

After she returns from E-Rantel, Enri was proposed to get the new head of Carne Village which profoundly shocked her and she doesn't corroborate of the proposal. She tries to refuse it, but the hamlet chief tells her to consider it and gives her a time to think. Afterwards she left the village chief's business firm, she thought that everyone in the village thinks as well highly of her. For starters, the goblins that everyone says are her strength, they weren't fifty-fifty allies. She just made with her ain charisma and her connections to Ainz Ooal Gown. She gets communication from Lupusregina and Nfirea about her existence the hamlet chief. Later hearing their advice, she decides to get the next village principal before she changes her mind.

A few days later, monsters from the forest attack Carne Village. At the gate, the goblins and vigilance committee fights against them, however another troll attacks the behind of the town. Enri and Nfirea find a troll during their fashion back from the shelter for not-combatant, and Enri decides to earn time till the battle of the gate ends. At kickoff, they succeed to confuse the troll by disguising the odor, nonetheless eventually, the troll notices the trick and chases them. Enri was confessed by Nfirea that he loves her and solely fights against the troll and so that she can ask for help. And but earlier his death, Lupusregina appears and saves his life. At the aforementioned fourth dimension, the battle of the gate also culminates in a victory. Nfirea and Enri become lovers after the fight.[4]

Alongside Nemu and Nfirea, Enri was invited to pay a special visit to Nazarick for reasons such as to gloat the success of developing the new potion. During their temporary stay in Nazarick, she can't even relax because she's afraid that she may break something that would offend her savior but was told by the regular maid of Nazarick to relax and enjoy her tea which calms her.[5]

The Magic Caster of Destroy Arc

Primary commodity: The Magic Caster of Destroy Arc

Crown Prince Barbro Andrean Ield Ryle Vaiself and his army arrive just outside the gates of the fortified hamlet. Enri following her duties equally principal greets the messenger from the gate, but she refuses to permit them to enter the village to keep the existence of her goblins and ogres a clandestine. Nevertheless, though she is cordial, she refuses to cooperate afterward hearing of the accusations toward Ainz Ooal Gown being an enemy to the Kingdom. The Crown Prince launching fire arrows at the village is the catalyst that sends the village to secede from the Kingdom. Enri was forced to evacuate with the not-combatants at the insistence of Jugem.

When the Kingdom'due south ground forces pursued the non-combatants, Nfirea stays dorsum to let Enri escape with the non-combatants. Remembering the first assault, Enri used the 2nd horn with all her force, which managed to summon five,000 powerful goblins due to her level up in class Commander and the atmospheric condition of her dwelling house setting being under attack. This newly summoned army repelled the Crown Prince's Army and Carne Village was saved.[vi]

The Craftsman of Dwarf Arc

Main article: The Craftsman of Dwarf Arc

Enri and Nfirea take been married for approximately half-dozen months, living peacefully in the Sorcerer Kingdom. Upon waking upward and preparing for the 24-hour interval, she contemplates on the higher quality of living in Carne Village, the Goblin Regular army, and the newly immigrated dwarven runesmiths which have inverse her village into a prosperous small city. She was afterwards greeted by Lupusregina, who lamentably informed her of Ainz Ooal Gown's rumored death.[vii]

Ainz (Isekai Quartet).png Observe: The following section and subsequent subsections are considered Not-CANON to the Overlord Light Novels.

Mass for the Dead Arc

Main article: Mass for the Dead Arc

In this continuity, Enri'due south parents were killed by Chaos Beasts and she became the de-facto village chieftain afterward the previous chieftain was killed during an attack on the village by Contaminated Beasts. To save Nemu'due south life, she urged the younger daughter to become an notice help while she remained in the village protect the remaining villagers. To save what was left of her home, Enri and some other villager named Morgan lured the monsters to the Tob Wood in hopes they could become the Wise King of the Forest to fight them off. The plan failed as the beast was nowhere to be found and the two were separated. Nemu brought help in the form of adventurers and the protagonist, but past then Enri was killed by a Quadruped Anarchy Beast. The rescue party took what was left of Enri's remains and buried her in the hamlet.[8] Months after her expiry, Nfirea Bareare took her decease very hard and was noted to descended into a slap-up depression. His grandmother Lizzie hired the protagonist and his team to collect some mementos of Enri from the abandoned village to give Nfirea some closure.[ix] Nevertheless Enri's death still ate at Nfirea's mind, drastically irresolute his personality to a cold sociopath. The male child devoted his every hour to devising a way to enact his revenge on the Chaos Beasts for Enri'south expiry.[x] [11]

Abilities and Powers

While Enri herself is weak compared to adventurers, the Goblin Troop she commands tin can exist considered quite strong. She has been grooming her command abilities past leading the goblins in unlike situations such as their battle with the Barghest. Her commanding skill increases and she now leads a professional regular army of v,000 goblins summoned from the second horn. In fact, she has complete control over a large, powerful armed services force that can even defeat both the Royal Regular army and the Imperial Army.

Job Classes

  • Farmer Level ane
  • Sergeant Level 1
  • Commander Level ii
  • General Level 2

Main Equipment

  • Horn of the Goblin General (Expended): She had 2 of these items given to her past Ainz afterward he casted a protection spell over them. When Enri used the kickoff horn, she conjured the Goblin Troop which aided her in speedily fixing up the hamlet and hunting for nutrient and materials. Later fulfilling 3 atmospheric condition during the Crown Prince'due south attack, she was able to successfully summon the Goblin Army by bravado the 2nd horn.


Nemu Emmot

As Nemu is her piffling sister, Enri deeply cares about her wellbeing and is willing to cede her life to protect Nemu from danger. She's now currently taking care of Nemu later on their parents' death, and trusting on her during errands or chores around the village. She is even perceptive of her little sis'southward alter in beliefs, once the spoiled kid now the responsible little sibling helping her big sis.

Ainz Ooal Gown

While originally weary of the undead Role player, Enri views Ainz every bit the savior of Carne Hamlet and thanked him for saving her and her younger sister'south life. After her hamlet was saved, Ainz edited her and Nemu's memories but she still held a sense of loyalty for the magic caster as his deportment were motive for her allegiance. When the village was rebuilt, she wanted to thank him properly if she had a chance to meet him over again, and continued thus by leading it as village chief and defending information technology with her newly summoned Goblin Army. Even after the news of him existence an undead became public cognition, her opinion of Ainz did non modify and she remained loyal to him.

Nfirea Bareare

Enri originally saw Nfirea every bit a good friend due to his frequent visits for the herbs and pleasant presence to be around, but she was unaware of his true feelings for her until he finally confessed his dear for her during the nighttime battle, to which she reciprocates after and the two became officially a married couple a short while later. However, she yet tends to misunderstand Nfirea'south feelings.

Lupusregina Beta

Lupusregina is the battle maid sent by Ainz to protect the Carne Village and has a friendly relationship with Enri. Due to their closeness, when Enri was elected village principal, she asked her for some advice, notwithstanding she remains unaware of her true and sadistic personality. On the other paw, thank you to warnings from her Goblin Army, Enri has started to catch on to Lupusregina'due south true nature and probable is developing a greater circumspection of her.

Goblin Troop & Goblin Army

The goblin troops are all loyal to Enri and are willing to even prioritize her safe over themselves and their own race; and she, in turn, cares very deeply virtually them are is very grateful for protecting her village. The intendance and interpersonal connections betwixt Enri and her first Goblin Troop, and later on the army, reciprocate this loyalty and devotion.


The ogres of Agu's tribe, as well as the ones originally under Guu, were rescued by Enri's Goblin Troop from the Great Forest of Tob. They agreed to obey the young girl and refrain from eating the villagers and then long as they were properly fed. Subsequently the Second battle of Tob, the Ogres were permanent residents helping build Carne forth with the Goblin Army and Dwarven Runesmiths who also became permanent residents.


  • Ainz regards Enri Emmot equally the 2nd most of import person in Carne Village behind Nfirea that Lupusregina must protect and to continue them alive in whatsoever situation.
  • Enri's state of affairs is very like to Ainz: all of a sudden condign a military machine leader, and tries acting as the qualified leader in front of her subordinates.
  • So far, Enri Emmot is the only known homo in the New Earth right now to pb an army of goblins and other Demi-human species such equally the ogres.
  • According to her official profile, she is one of the five strongest humans in Carne Village.
  • Enri levels up incredibly fast without killing monsters, being level one during the attack of the Sunlight Scripture and reaching level six around four months after, during the events of the 2nd Carne Village Battle. Information technology is unclear if she is higher than level half dozen or 10 later the Third Boxing of Carne Village.
  • Her stamina is ridiculous. Her married man Nfirea has to take stamina potions but to continue up with Enri's sex drive. This may be side-effect of her leveling upwardly way college than him.
  • In the Web Novel, due to her command of many goblins and rumors of her bathing in the blood of her enemies, information technology was assumed by other goblins that she was a Redcap.[12]


  • (To Nfirea Bareare): "I nevertheless have a fiddling sister. I can't lose myself in sadness forever."
  • (To Nfirea about Ainz): "Hm? Mm, I'd like to give thanks him properly. The village came together with the thought of building a little copper statue for him because he saved usa, and I demand to show my gratitude likewise..."
  • (To Nfirea): "...Everyone has something they'd want to hide when brought before the gods, especially things which would hurt others if spoken. Merely it'due south a different affair if hiding those things would hurt others...Nfirea, I won't hate you for it, but if you've committed any crimes, you lot demand to confess your sins to the magistrate!"
  • (To Lupusregina Beta): "This village is our village. That ways we should practice as much as we can by ourselves. Although some people will recall that I shouldn't be babbling pretty words since I can't fight and have no battle feel..."
  • (To those nowadays about Magic Casters): "Information technology's okay if information technology's Nfirea or the goblins, but magic-users are cheating bastards."
  • (To Jugem): "Then...while we gear up to flee, we should ask them why they came. a concluding resort."
  • (To the villagers): "Everyone! Right now! Anybody here is going to make up one's mind what we, as a village are going to exercise! Any the decision, I hope you will abide by it!"
  • (To both the villagers and Jugem in regard to Ainz): "And so ― nosotros fight! We fight to repay the debt nosotros owe! Jugem-san! I'll get out the battle programme to you!"


  1. Overlord Volume 01 Chapter 1: The End and the Beginning
  2. Overlord Book 01 Chapter iii: Battle of Carne Hamlet
  3. Overlord Volume 02 Chapter iii: Wise Male monarch of the Forest
  4. Overlord Volume 08 Side Story 1: Enri'southward upheaval and hectic days
  5. Overlord Volume 08 Side Story 2: A day of Nazarick
  6. Overlord Book 09 Chapter 3: Another Battle
  7. Overlord Volume xi Epilogue
  8. Mass for the Dead Chapter 01: World of Chaos
  9. Mass for the Dead Chapter 05: Platinum Charlatan
  10. Mass for the Dead Chapter ten: Crumbling Overture
  11. Mass for the Dead Affiliate 12: Leader of Flesh
  12. Overlord 2d Half Affiliate 28: The University Part 8A


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Sorcerer Kingdom
Magician Rex
Ainz Ooal Gown
Prime Minister
Soldiers and Officials
Demiurge Shalltear Bloodfallen Cocytus Aura Bella Fiora Mare Bello Fiore Victim Gargantua Pandora's Histrion Yuri Alpha Lupusregina Beta CZ2128 Delta Narberal Gamma Solution Epsilon Entoma Vasilissa Zeta Aureole Omega Sebas Tian Tuareninya Veyron Enri Emmot Ryraryus Spenia Ai Indarun Hamsuke Gondo Firebeard Captain of the Ghost Ship
Spies and Accomplices
Renner Theiere Chardelon Ryle Vaiself Fluder Paradyne Doppel-Caspond Elias Brandt Dale Raeven
Other Citizens
Nfirea Bareare Nemu Emmot Lizzie Bareare Jugem Pe Riyuro Cona Brita Latimon Dyno Agu Shuringan Gurindai Kyumei Kaijali Kuunel Paipo Gokou Unlai Nonisu Suigyo Matsu Raimatsu Nosuli Yaburo Nobura Pluton Ainzach Theo Rakheshir Moknach Zaryusu Shasha Crusch Lulu Shasuryu Shasha Zenberu Gugu Sukyu Juju Kyuku Zuzu Head Priestess of Green Claw Caput Hunter of Green Claw Elderberry of Green Hook Chief of Carne Village Pinison Politician Perlia Hejinmal Torangealit Munuinia Ilyslym Mianatalon Fuviness Kilistran Denshusha Marchioness Raeven Rii-tan
Re-Estize Kingdom
Royal Family
Ramposa III Barbro Andrean Ield Ryle Vaiself Zanac Valleon Igana Ryle Vaiself Renner Theiere Chardelon Ryle Vaiself
Elias Brandt Dale Raeven Marquis Blumrush Marquis Pespea Margrave Urovana Marquis Boullope Count Lytton Philip Dayton L'Eyre Montserrat Azuth Aindra Panasolei Gruze Day Rettenmaier Baron Cheneko Marchioness Raeven Rii-tan Torkel Karan Dale Völkchenheim Wayne Delvin Igor Rokerson Baron Montserrat‎‎ Count Naeura‎‎ Government minister of Internal Diplomacy‎‎ Minister of Military Diplomacy‎‎
Momon Nabe Pluton Ainzach Theo Rakheshir Lakyus Alvein Dale Aindra Evileye Gagaran Tia Tina Peter Mauk Ninya Dyne Woodwonder Lukrut Volve Igvarge Luisenberg Alberion Bellote Moknach Re-Estize Guildmaster Scama Elbero Lilynette Piani
Soldiers and Officials
Gazef Stronoff Brain Unglaus Climb Vice Helm Lockmeier Bona Ingre Staffan Heivish Boris Axelson Lundqvist Franzén Göran Dixgard Bike
Other Citizens
Enri Emmot Nfirea Bareare Morgan Tuareninya Veyron Nemu Emmot Lizzie Bareare Hilma Cygnaeus Baldo Lauffray Andre Ampetif Cocco Doll Man Who Dumps Tuare Zero Malmvist Delicious Edström Peshurian Zach Davernoch Vesture Kloff Di Laufen Brita Latimon Viii Fingers Leader Chief of Carne Hamlet Lilia Innkeeper Marquis Raeven'due south Strategist Ishpen Ronble Wina Harshia Thomas Carne Christopher Olson Noah Zweden Endio Oscas Olin Prian Polson Tsuibayaya Blacksmith's Guildmaster


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